Ephesians 4:11 shows us how evangelists are called to build up the church and renew a passion for evangelism and seeing lives changed by the good news of Jesus. So we want to equip and train a new generation of evangelists across Canada fuelled with this passion to boldly declare the gospel from coast to coast. And we’re doing this through Advance.
Advance equips, encourages and empowers the church globally for evangelism through small group mentoring, as well as resourcing and training events. Today over 10,000 groups meet in 91 countries across the globe and we’re determined to see hundreds more groups launch across Canada so we can reach even more people with the good news of Jesus.
Our Vision For Advance In Canada
To Catalyse And Cultivate Evangelism
Through identifying, mentoring and equipping those with the gift of the evangelist, we want to mobilize men and women to share the hope of Jesus in every conversations. And that’s what our Advance groups are all about.
As well as launching new Advance groups across Canada to equip people in their evangelism, we want to stir up the gift of the evangelist through hosting inspiring and resourcing events such as our Annual Advance Evangelists Summit and our regional retreats. Supporting this work are our Advance Ambassadors. These regional Ambassadors identify and encourage evangelists through resourcing local churches, delivering local equipping events and training days, as well as launching and supporting Advance groups. To take our work to the next level, we aim to appoint Advance Ambassadors across Canada.
As we train and develop both group members and our Ambassadors using material from the Global Network of Evangelists and the Advance movement, we’ll create an Advance Directory of recommended and vetted evangelists to encourage and resource churches across Canada.
To Collaborate With Evangelists
We’re passionate about working together to see God’s kingdom come in Canada so we love collaborating with like-minded organizations to develop the work of Advance. Some of our key partners include the Luis Palau Association, The Western District of the Alliance Canada, PAOC, ACOP and Arrow Leadership Ministries.
As we continue to pursue best practices for evangelism and mission, we’re also creating an Evangelism Think Tank and Research Institute that will support evangelism across Canada, and we’re freely distributing resources such as our Advance Group Mentoring Guide to support and inspire evangelism.
Find Out More About Advance
Find out more about Advance and how you can get involved in a group at advancegroups.org