Advance Summit 2025
Join us as evangelists and church leaders are equipped at the Advance Evangelists Summit in Calgary from Tuesday 25 – Thursday 27 February 2025.
Find out moreThe Message Trust is a worldwide movement passionately sharing the love of Jesus Christ in words and actions with the hardest-to-reach young people and communities.
In Canada, we are raising up and equipping a new generation of evangelists through our small mentoring Advance Groups, Advance Evangelism Summits and Evangelists Gatherings. We long to see deprived communities transformed through the incarnational ministry of our Eden Teams who show and share the love of Jesus in word and action. Through our global network, we are also equipping and training young people through the Message School Of Evangelism, and we want to see young lives transformed in schools, and youth camps across the country through the establishment of Creative Mission Teams.
The Message Trust is an amazing resource for churches who have a heart to share the love of Jesus Christ with the hardest-to-reach people in words and deeds. Through their model we have been able to establish a healthy Eden team of urban missionaries who are building an authentic community in the downtown East Side of Vancouver.
Dr. Dave Koop, Coastal Church, Vancouver
What’s so impressive about The Message is its relentless focus on young people who have been traditionally it has been hardest to reach- especially those living in disadvantaged communities and in prison.
Nicky Gumble. Holy Trinity Brompton and ALPHA
When I think of The Message, it reminds me of moves of God in the past- the likes of Wilberforce or Booth, people who shaped culture in a holistic way by moving in words, works and wonders.
Matt Redman, songwriter